How do I readdress an RTU using DIP switches?

If you wish to have your RTUs report at a different address, adjusting the DIP switches can accomplish this.

1) Remove the 4 Phillips screws holding the front panel to the enclosure, then remove the front panel.

2. Be sure to unplug the power plug from the RTU before adjusting the DIP switches

3. In this example, we will be switching the RTU from RTU1 to RTU2.  To do this, simply turn DIP switch 1 OFF and DIP switch 2 ON

     Before                   After

Similarly, DIP switch 3 ON would be RTU3 and so on

4. Reinsert the power plug back into the socket.  This will reboot the RTU and allow it to start reporting at the new address

5. Confirm Integris has updated to reflect the changes and then reinstall the front panel back onto the enclosure.  Don't forget to update the label on the box to match the new addressing.