How do I upgrade my Integris System for the New Moisture Cable?

Integris Blue RTU and Integris Blue RTU Expander Firmware Update

About This Document

Follow the steps in this document to upgrade the firmware of your Integris Blue RTU and Integris Blue RTU Expander.

Note: If you encounter issues with this process, please create a support ticket at this link: OPI Support Ticket.

Integris Blue RTU Upgrade Process

Initial Setup

  1. Windows PC connected to OPI Blue RTU to be updated. See Figure 1.
  2. RTU Blue Upgrade application installed on PC. Please download here: RTU Blue Upgrade.exe
  3. OPI Blue RTU firmware update file version 1.07 saved to PC. Please download here: Blue RTU Firmware
  4. OPI Blue RTU 1Wire firmware update file version 1.11 saved to PC. Please download here: Blue RTU 1Wire Firmware

    Note: Record the folder location where files have been downloaded. Typically this will be your PC's "Downloads" folder.

    Figure 1-1


  • It is important to update only a single RTU at a time otherwise permanent damage may result.
  • If you have an OPI ISO2 adapter (USB to RS458) drivers are available here: ISO2 Driver
  • Your PC may provide warning messages regarding the above download files. Examples of these warnings can be found below.

These files have been verified by OPI and these warnings can safely be acknowledged (click "More info" then click "Run anyway" button.)

Upgrade Process

Note: Before proceeding ensure steps outlined in section Initial Setup are complete.

  1. Open the RTU Blue Upgrade application.
  2. Identify RS485 port connected to the RTU
    1. Type “Device Manager” into Windows Search. See Figure 5.
    2. Click Device Manager icon. See Figure 5.
      Figure 5
    3. In Device Manager application expand ‘Ports (COM & LPT)’ section. See Figure 6.
    4. Identify RS485 port number in use. For example, in Figure 6 ‘COM2’ is the currently active port.
      Figure 6
  3. Select the RS485 port connected to the RTU.
  4. Click the ‘…’ button to right of ‘RTU Image’ field. Select the RTU firmware update file using the file browser. See Figure 2.
  5. Click the ‘…’ button to right of ‘1-Wire Expansion Image’ field. Select the 1Wire firmware update file using the file browser. See Figure 2.

    File Browser
  6. Click the ‘Upgrade RTU’ button.
  7. Ensure that the RTU Blue Upgrade application displays the upgrade success message then click the OK button.
  8. Click the ‘Upload 1-Wire’ button.
  9. Ensure that the RTU Blue Upgrade application displays the upgrade success message then click the OK button.
  10. Blue RTU upgrade now complete.
    Figure 3


Integris Blue RTU Expander Upgrade Process

Note: The Blue RTU Expander firmware is updated automatically when connected to a Blue RTU which has firmware updated as per section Integris Blue RTU Upgrade Process.

Initial Setup

To upgrade the Integris Blue RTU Expander firmware you will require the following:

  1. Integris Blue RTU upgraded as per instructions in section Integris Blue RTU Upgrade Process.

Upgrade Process

  1. If RTU Expander is not already connected to Blue RTU then follow steps a. to b. below, otherwise proceed with step 2.
    1. Disconnect ISO2/3/4/5 from Blue RTU
    2. Connect RTU Expander to Blue RTU
    3. Reconnect ISO2/3/4/5 to Blue RTU
  2. Firmware update will occur automatically and will take approximately 5 minutes per connected RTU Expander.
  3. RTU Expander upgrade now complete. Moisture readings from cables connected to the RTU Expander(s) will now be displayed in the Integris Pro or Basic application.

Note: the above RTU Expander upgrade process will also work in cases where the Blue RTU and Expander are connected via Comm. cable rather than direct connection.