How to resolve stale fan status on OPI Blue

This article guides on steps to take to resolve stale fan staus on the system.

If you start your fans and stop them within a very short time frame, the fan may still be stuck in the process of sending the Fan On instruction to the Gateway depending on your internet connection, when the command to turn off the fan comes in almost at the same time.

This may cause the fan to get stuck on the same mode of turning off. In order to clear stale fan status message, you can now sync fan status from the Node settings page on


First go to System Settings, then click on Gateways and Nodes.


Next, select Nodes on the top.


Scroll down to affected fan node and click on Sync Fan Status.


The Sync Fan status command will get the latest fan status from the system and resolve any stale status message from User Interface. This button will be visible only to Gateway versions 5.0.4 and above.