Warranty Claim Process

How to create a Warranty claim

Warranty Claim Process

After it is confirmed that a warranty is valid on a piece of equipment and an RMA is needed, please refer to the following procedure to proceed

  1. If you have not already done so, create a support ticket with our Customer Success Team to facilitate communication with OPIsystems Inc. regarding warranty claim and possible RMA request.
    1. Create a support ticket here.
    2. Email help@opisystems.com
    3. Call OPI Support 1-800-661-1055 ext 1
    4. If your need for a replacement part was realized during ongoing support activities, continue to use the already open support ticket for the warranty replacement request. 
  2. Include the following pieces of information in the body of the ticket with your warranty replacement request: 
    1. Dealer name and contact information
    2. Customer name and Site name
    3. Part number of failed component
    4. All diagnostic steps taken and the results
    5. Failure mode of the component. Example- intermittent communication, failed to map, sensor readings errors
  3. Replacement part (s) to be used from inventory or dealer will order a replacement through normal part procurement
  4. Once the issues has been resolved and found to be warrantable the OPI Support Representative will verify the claim and -
    1. OPI issues a Credit for component replaced and informs dealer
    2. OPI may issue an RMA to return the failed component if needed. 
      1. Information needed for RMA
        1. Box Dimensions (L x W x H) to ship component back
        2. Weight of packaged with component

  5. Shipping label will be provided to the dealer to ship back to OPI
  6. Send component back to OPI
  7. OPI issues a Credit for component replaced and informs dealer
  8. OPI received RMA component and investigates
    1. Results confirmed -
      1. Claim Closed
    2. No issue found -
      1. OPI contact dealer for further investigation and if products is in working condition
      2. Shipped back to dealer (Dealer Cost)
      3. Credit reversed