Troubleshooting the ROM ids error on Blue Lite devices.
Each cable has it's own unique ROM ID. If you receive this error in attempt to discover or read cables, then it is likely because you are trying to discover cables under an organization that those cables are not assigned to.When reading cables, you must be certain you are under the correct organization in the app, site, and bin, before plugging into the cables.
Under the menu on the app, click Organizations > Select organization you need to read cables for > select the site you’re at > select the bin you’re going to read cables on.
If you have created multiple accounts for the same site, and attempt to read cables on Account A, when the cables have been assigned to a bin under Account B, this error will pop up.
In the event that multiple accounts have been made for the same site, you will need to remove the cables and delete the bins under the duplicate site(s) and then re-discover the cables in the correct bin under the original organization that was created for that bin site.