Can I get a free AT&T modem upgrade with my OPI Blue system account?

OPI operates with AT&T through one business license account for all its customers. This account cannot be used by individuals to obtain a free modem from AT&T. We do not have individual accounts per customer to this effect.
AT&T offers a free modem upgrade to existing customers who have individual consumer accounts. Therefore only customers who have individually gotten an account from AT&T in the past can take advantage of this option.
Therefore this is not applicable for commercial license users to complete the third-party equipment replacement through OPI. If you purchased your OPI Blue system using the supplied cell modem, it does not fall under the free replacement option that is being offered directly by AT&T.
In this case, you would need to purchase the upgraded LTE modem from us and complete the replacement to either keep your system online or bring your system back online.